When submitting a support ticket about having troubles connecting to your website or email, including your IP address helps speed up the process.
You can check your IP address by visiting our IP address tool.
- 1 Users Found This Useful
When submitting a support ticket about having troubles connecting to your website or email, including your IP address helps speed up the process.
You can check your IP address by visiting our IP address tool.
PHP has been configured to use the following settings on our shared and reseller servers: safe...
If you can't reach your website for any reason check the following before submitting a new...
Yes you can, if you like to change your domain name from domain1.com to domain2.com please open...
We have turned off remote MySQL access at the firewall level to increase security on the server.
From Windows, go to: Start Menu -> Click Run... -> Type in "cmd" and click OK -> When...